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Got CO2?

Mother Earth has ALL the answers!

Global greening means intentional care for Mother Earth’s most precious natural resources.

Mother Earth has a lifeforce independent of humanity. Earth has been thriving for millions of years because of our Planetary seasons. Life itself is ever-changing and each species’ survival depends on adjustments known as adaption to changing conditions.

Manufactured hysteria “Climate Change” has a hidden agenda!

Global warming is simple. When there is too much CO2 whether it’s from Humankind, our Sun’s natural cycles, ancient Volcanos emit more CO2 than Vegetation (or lack thereof) can handle a cycle of warming ensues. PHOTOSYNTHESIS works! TRUTH: All plants, soils, and oceans breathe and sequester CO2 and, in most cases, emit O2. Too much CO2 means not enough ‘green vegetation’ to absorb it hence ‘Global Warming’ these are CLIMATE FACTS not enriching propaganda.

Challenge the CO2 Narrative!

Get Educated

Mother Earth herself knows what to do. She balances ALL climate issues through ‘Photosynthesis’ with or without human interference. It works and we are lucky LIFE itself is more intelligent than all the AI or billionaire Climate alarmists in the world.

Did you know plants inhale CO2 & exhale O2? 


Earth’s Lifecycle is Eternal

Our entire Planet is smarter than ALL of arrogant humanity put together plus A.I. too! The eternal nature of all living things follow natural cycles long before human beings arrived. This divine ‘Garden of Eden’ will even survive us. Our beautiful Planet is an organic oasis of vegetation and water which operates freely with photosynthesis (no human intervention needed) Their waste O2 is what we need to survive as they need CO2 to thrive! Earth lifecycle is a perfect union of yin and yang supporting LIFE on every level.

Contrary to Climate Alarmists, CO2 is not the enemy

Many ‘Globalist’ Leaders have a lot to gain by not giving the general public the entire Climate Science picture. Demonizing CO2 which Plants breathe so plants can exhale O2! Zero net carbon will extinguish plants hence starvation of all living things! Do global farmers protesting make more sense now? (CLIMATE FACT) Remember a ‘Global Carbon Tax’ is their end goal … already being enforced in Canada…

Nature resets herself

Nature can take care of herself without Human manipulation or Interference as she has done so for millions of years even after 5 extinctions, yet life still persists?

It's important to get educated about our planet's climate history

Fear and hysteria are powerful motivators to manipulate the uninformed to take actions not in their own interest.

Manipulating science for greed is the enemy

The unmitigated greed and arrogance of the rich (industrialists) paint a fatalistic picture to further tax the 3rd world’s poor into a controlled cycle of poverty.

Resources are being commoditized by profiteering

Who benefits the most? Commercial Banks finance global eco-destruction through world bank loans to impoverished nations & then gut their natural resources.

Organizations Supporting Earth's Natural Habitat

Earth Justice

Every day we go to court to fight for a healthy environment. Every day we work with partners to push back against polluting industries. Every day we stand up for endangered wildlife and wild places. Every day is Earth Day.

Rainforest Action Network (RAN)

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

A global nonprofit organization tackling climate change — the greatest challenge of our time. Our bold, game-changing solutions put people at the center of all we do.

Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDF)

NRDF uses science, policy, law, and people power to confront the climate crisis, protect public health, and safeguard nature.

Get Educated & Make Mother Earth Smile.

Join in our cause to educate the planet by contributing time, research, or funds to any of the organizations listed above! 

What you need to know…

The climate is and will always changing

Life itself is predicated on change… they key for survival of all species in spite of 5 Mass Extinctions is adaption to those fast moving climate changes.

CO2 is not the enemy

The demonization of CO2 is not true… The current calculated hysteria to blame everything on all vegetation needs to thrive is borderline insanity. Most life forms breathe O2 and Exhale CO2 which plants breathe in and release O2 for all living things. If there is too much CO2 there are not enough plants?

Mother Earth has all the Answers

Mother Earth herself has survived and generously propagated millions of diverse life forms repeatedly through 5 mass extinctions. She too is at the mercy of “Climate Change” induced by the sun and other intergalactic forces beyond her control. Yet we are all alive now. Her life cycle is hot, cold, wet, and dry, independent of anything mankind creates.

Globalist Billionaires ‘Climate Alarmists’ have a hidden Agenda.

The amount of CO2 billionaires use by flying private jets to climate conferences, owning 300-400 foot yachts, are inconsequential as they warn us of impending doom from humans eating and living. They are demonizing ‘nitrogen’ but not addressing ‘Methane pollution’ from Big Oil is 200 times more polluting than internal combustion. Yet, technology cannot be used for clean or pollution-free machines? Industrial revolution Smokestacks for over 200 years? But adding carbon taxes will miraculously stop it? Adding insult to injury, Cow Farts and Global food production is the enemy too…

Chief Seattle


Man does not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself… All things are bound together, all things connect.

– Chief Seattle, 1854

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